I bet you don’t really know how Dulce De Leche is made;
I bet you think it is only a superior skill that can produce said Leche. I bet you
did not know that Dulce De leche is actually CONDENSED MILK BOILED FOR 3 hours!
LOL. I know!
Unbelievable right?
I had no clue too. I
thought it was some complicated confectionery miracle that requires a Michelin
starred chef or at least his/her sous chef to make. NOPE! It is just humble
Condensed milk that is always on the shelf of even the gloomiest shop, you know
the kind you send your house help to, the kind that starts with a humble Hausa
man setting up a table then evolving to a ‘container’ shop.
Feel like a fool?
Not to worry I felt exactly the same! Heck I
almost slapped myself! Like really! You
boil condensed milk for three hours and you get DULCE DE LECHE!
I guess it’s the name
that makes it sound so impossible, and it actually simply means Candy of Milk,
or sweet Milk. FRENCH! *rolling eyes*, still love em’ though.
But then I am happy it is just that! Imagine what you
can do with it! Home-made ice cream! Yes
that’s easy too so relax, invest in an ice cream maker and Haagen Daz will have
nothing on you. Plus they come with recipe’s! Most of them anyway! Well the one I
have came with one! Moving on! I've mentioned homemade ice cream, then Dulce de
leche stuffed doughnuts, if like me you like the gooey side of flour baked
goodies then this will just be heaven sent!
Peanuts smothered in boiled condensed milk (I mean Dulce de Leche, ahem!),
you can eat it like that with a spoon or simply use as a spread!
Don’t look at me like that!
If you are going to
take condensed milk anyway you might as well keep your cardiologist number on
speed dial and go all out! (k just have a bit, once in a while, a looooong
while)! Afrifoodroute will NOT be responsible for any incidence!
though once in a while shouldn't hurt. Don’t become a ‘dessert or everything
nice monk’, why do you think your tongue has so many nerves!
You can even make a brownie with the boiled condensed milk! (I
can’t get over the fact that it’s only BOILED condensed milk. LOL.)
So there you go, Dulce de leche, boiled condensed milk (for 3 hours), and did I mention it should be
boiled in its package, they mostly come in cans anyway, unless you are so posh
you get it delivered straight to your house from the factory where the
condensed milk itself is made. In that case you sir/ma are on your own. Figure
out how to boil and let us know.
For the rest of us, do not open said can, boil for 3 hours
and you have yourself something that
your mother in law will either love you more for or ………..(keeping my mouth shut
on this one)
Let me know when you
try it.
Gosh years wasted not boiling condensed milk!
PS: Ladies it’ll be in your best interest to eat just one of
the Dulce de Leche stuffed doughnut! We will not be responsible for an obesity
induced divorce…..
Thanks for your time!
Yours Loyally
Baby M.
The First restaurant review will come up soon! Watch this